From it's website; "After research from our Friends at Pittsfield Community Television we now know that the parade dates back to 1801.
The Pittsfield 4th of July Parade has an historic reputation dating back to 1824, when the procession consisted of Revolutionary War survivors, patriots, politicians and horse-drawn carriages. The parade was held off and on by various citizen groups until 1947 when it was taken over by the Pittsfield Permanent Firemen’s Association. Under the firemen, the parade grew in size and popularity but was discontinued in 1976.
In 1977, a small group of volunteer citizens obtained $2,000 in seed money from the City of Pittsfield and held their first parade in 1978. Over the years, this independent, non-profit organization-the Pittsfield 4th of July Parade Committee, Inc.- has grown in size, spirit, and determination, and with it, the parade has grown in size, quality, and popularity. This year will mark 195 years since that first procession"